Do Animals Have Souls Baptist

However this site is not written from the standpoint of any particular religion or indeed organised religion generally.
Do animals have souls baptist. It does not need redemption. The dust from the ground and the breath of life. They pass into nothingness and are annihilated which is based on the premise that animals dont have souls that can survive the grave.
The absence of either salvation or condemnation for women finds extensive support in the word of god. God marks the dropping of every sparrow. However nowhere does Scripture explicitly state that animals do not have souls.
First of all according to Genesis the land animals which crawl on the earth and the birds DO have soul or nephesh. I have heard a few people say that the Bible states that animals dont have souls. In fact in 1990 Pope John Paul II said the animals possess a soul and men must.
Sikhs believe in vegetarianism and kindness towards all animals. At-Tadhkirah by al-Qurtubi p. Numbers 3128 When the first man Adam was created he was not given a soul but became a living soul.
They also accept that animals have souls which live on. The soul is the seat of the emotions and appetites whereas the spirit is the seat of ones intelligence. Most of the students there are from formerly communist countries.
So even though animals do not have eternal spirits they are physical and have what we may call an animal soul. Nephesh is used 757 times in the Old Testament. The concept that animals have souls spirits astral bodies or something other-dimensional implies that one believes that physical death is not the end of their lives.