Do Animals Have Souls Got Questions

Gods original creation has been subjected to degradation and decay through sin but it will be restored as it was in the beginning.
Do animals have souls got questions. The question of whether our pets go to heaven requires an examination of the natures of animals of humans and of God. It bothers me that certain Christiansdenominations dont believe that the animals that have lived here on Earth will go to heaven because they dont have a soul. So even though animals do not have eternal spirits they are physical and have what we may call an animal soul.
In order for one to be saved one has to believe in Jesus. During a recent public appearance Pope Francis comforted a boy whose dog had just died saying One day we will see our animals again in eternity. The soul is the seat of the emotions and appetites whereas the spirit is the seat of ones intelligence.
Solomon the wisest man states that both man and animals. The Word of God lets us know that animals have a soul but not a spirit. Animals do not have the law of God imprinted upon their hearts and therefore cannot transgress it.
Do Animals Have a Spirit. All living humans and animals have a soul although it isnt what most people think it means. Do animals have souls.
Do even ants have souls. Obviously being an animal they dont have a human soulthey dont need one. After the flood God established a new order of human existence Genesis 9817.
The reason you can have this hope is because from the very beginning of time in the original state of holiness the Garden of Eden it appears there were animals. In a long and fascinating letter the fourth Lubavitcher rebbe Rabbi Shmuel known as the Rebbe Maharash explains that although some Kabbalists were of the opinion that animals dont have immortal souls5 according to the teachings of the Arizal animals do in fact have independent souls and they do go to heaven6 The Arizal is generally considered the final arbiter for all Kabbalistic teachings. Animals did not have souls and therefore did not have any moral rights.