Rare Cat Breeds Of The World

As the breed is quite rare this is an expensive cat breed.
Rare cat breeds of the world. A list of rare cat breeds wouldnt be complete without the Savannah or Ashera cat. These cats are the rare breeds like the Peterbald Korat and Chartreux that arent kitties you see often. The Minskin is an extremely rare breed in that it is a hybrid between two other rare breeds that we often see in the world today The Sphynx and the Munchkin cat breeds.
In case youre curious which breeds round out the top 10 rarest cats they are Peterbald Burmilla Sokoke Minskin and California Spangled Cat. All unique and beautiful cats with distinct markings and great personalities. While all purebred cat breeds can be considered somewhat rare because approximately 95 of all cats are moggies below is a list of 15 of the rarest cat breeds found today.
The breed which is known to be very affectionate emerged. The following cat species are the rarest cats in the world and also the cats that we need to conserve. The UKs Governing Council of the Cat Fancy considers the Sokoke to be the rarest domestic cat breed in the world.
This type of cats price is between 400 dollar to 600 dollar. In May of 2008 the ACFA acknowledged the Peterbald for Championship class rivalry. Having a semi-longhair coats makes this waterproof and enjoying swimming.
This breed originated from genetic mutations from a litter of barn cats in Upstate New York sometime during the 1960s. They were also quite rare in the 14th century when they were given only to the members of the Thai government while others lived in monasteries in Siam. Is it the way it looks.
American wirehair cat. Originating from the forests of Sokoke in eastern Kenya these cats. Although previously thought to be a hybrid breed crossed with wild cats DNA tests have proved otherwise.