Sea Animals List In Tamil

Learn sea animal vocabulary in English.
Sea animals list in tamil. Acantharea A kind of protozoa microscopic creature that has really cool skeletal structures. Sea கடல octopus வலஙக ஒல ஆரபபடடம அரய வலஙககள கடல வலஙககள. 65 கணட Salmon Indian Threadfin.
Sea animals are the aquatic animals such as fish and octopus inhabiting the ocean sea or lake. However you will find a number of sea animals on this page with pictures and pronunciations. 66 கய Koi Nunalai Herring Five Spot Herring.
A large edible sea snail of coastal waters. They look like diamonds. Cormorants can be pretty nasty with their beaks.
A bright-colored fish of coral reefs. Lobster fish and charcoal grilled steaks are the specialities with live entertainment on offer most evenings. White-Bellied Sea Eagle.
Contextual translation of sea things into Tamil. Some types of jellyfish have a powerful sting. There are a lot of sea animals in the world but it is difficult to name all of them here.
Human translations with examples. Sea Animals List of Sea Animals. 2018 Sea Doo Spark 3 Up Rotax 900 Ho Ace Ibr Conv Jonesboro 2015 Sea Doo Spark 2up Rot.