Wild Cats Cartoon Series
WildCATS is a half-hour animated television series based on the comics series of the same name and developed for television by David WiseIt aired on CBS for one season from October 1 1994 to January 21 1995.
Wild cats cartoon series. This is the first and only season of WildCats. Season 1 on a 2-disc set. Thats why its called WildCats the complete series.
She and Majestic started the WildCAT. Their original title lasted for 50 issues August 1992-June 1998 plus a couple of special issues. Often compared to THE X-MEN the short-lived cartoon chronicled the millennia-old battle between the Kherubim a team of superhero mutants and the Daemonites an evil alien empire bent on conquering the universe.
Cartoon wildcat images. Reno Bryce the comput. Oct 1 1994 - 1995.
This is the first and only season of WildCats. Use the table below to search for information on any wild cat species. Noir is a weapons-dealer and genius computer hacker.
She is a long-living High Lord of Khera with superhuman physique and a mastery of hand-to-hand weapons. Join the adventures of Chris and Martin Kratt as they encounter wild animals and combine science education with fun and. Yours is the first list Ive found.
There is a Jim Lee profileextras related to WildCats cartoon series which aired on TV in 1997. Professional Interactive Menus For Easy Episode Selection. DARK BLADE FALLINGPilot episode.